Planting trees is an integral part of any landowner’s timber plan.
Planting Trees Improves Your Property More Than You Think

Once you’ve harvested timber from your property, it’s only natural to replace it, by re-planting. There are numerous benefits to planting trees, as forestry consultant Jeff Sanders explains.
“Part of the reason we plant trees is wildlife habitat, wildlife corridors. It creates bedding. It creates cover for different wildlife species. Trees also act as a water filter. They sequester carbon. They act as a good buffer for privacy. It’s also used for timber products.”
The type of trees you plant may depend on what your goals are for your property.
“Most of the work when it comes to planting pine trees is for production timber. The hardwood is more geared for government programs such as CRP, WRP or for wildlife purposes,” says Sanders.
That particular aspect is becoming a driving force in property values.
“One of the biggest factors that is pushing the value of property is recreation. So, the higher quality of animals you can have on that property, the higher the value the property is going to be. A piece of property where you can go kill a 160-inch deer is worth more than one where you can go kill a 120-inch deer. Significantly more”